
Pop-Up Rehearsal

The pop-up rehearsal is an opportunity to join The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay for the morning and sing excerpts from Handel’s Messiah. As we prepare for our December performances with The Florida Orchestra, we want to share the joy of singing this timeless favorite with our friends.

Scores will be provided for the day, but participants are welcome to bring their own. The Master Chorale will be using the Bärenreiter edition.

Register now and invite a friend!


Pop-Up Rehearsal

Event information

Saturday, October 28th, 2023
Check-in/Coffee Hour: 9:15 - 10:00 am
Event: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

USF School of Music - Choral Rehearsal Hall
3755 USF Holly Dr.

Participation is FREE!


USF School of Music

Choral Rehearsal Hall

3755 USF Holly Dr.
Tampa, FL 33620


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